Doctor Who's
The Matrix Archive

``I am a Time Lord, I walk in infinity.''

Click here for the High Council of Gallifrey Home Page.
Although The Tomorrow People was my first real introduction to science fiction, Doctor Who predates it by 10 years, and was the longest, continuously-running science fiction series ever, since 23 November 1963. It was canceled in 1989 by the BBC, its producer, but still holds a place in my heart as my most beloved television series of all time. Thanks to Howard Picaizen, I am also a member of Montréal's only Doctor Who fan club, The High Council of Gallifrey, run by the amicable Andrew Gurudata. Click here if you would like more information on how to join The High Council of Gallifrey, or you can contact Andrew via e-mail at

The following are links to external sources of Doctor Who information:

oThe Doctor Who ftp Site.

On the way:

oMore links.

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This page was last modified Sunday 26 March 1995.